Dying Consciously – Part Two

I follow on from my previous post where I introduced how death and the art of dying has changed over time.

I recently participated in a workshop facilitated by Kerri Chinner of Inner Essence Holistic Therapy. Kerri has been trained to teach the ancient death rites as presented by the Dying Consciously organisation

I left my last blog with the thought on how we often prevent our loved ones from passing. Often they are simply awaiting your permission for them to die. I could write so much about this! Instead I will provided this link, for you to peruse in your own time.

So much fear surrounds death, yet it is the only single thing that is permanent about our existence. We are born to die. And here is when our soul takes the most magical flight and journey it will ever experience.

Often we speak of karma and past karmic ties or debt. Why are we here on earth this time around? What is it our soul seeks to heal, rectify or let go of? What needs to be learnt or cleared in this incarnation? Many of us spend time focusing on this at various stages over our lifetime. But it is only in death that we truly know whether we have succeeded in our mission.

As one dies and our soul takes flight, it leaving our physical body, we wish the earthly realm good bye, and we travel towards the great white light. Here we are greeted by our loved ones, all that have stood before us. And here too we meet a/the celestial beings that provide us with an opportunity to review our life. A time of reflection.

It is only you that will be the judge of your life and what you have experienced. I feel that (unless you are brought back from your near death experience) this is the exact moment where as the judge of your own life, your soul’s future destiny will be decided.

For if we are in a place of peace or acceptance, new existences will abound, where limited or no karmic debt will overrule us.

Now karma isn’t necessarily about things that we may have ‘done wrong’ or where we have ‘harmed’ or ‘hurt’ another. It may be related to lessons that we are still not yet to comprehend. Patterns that have not been broken, understood or accepted. I am not right, nor wrong on this, just simply some thoughts to consider. I may have sown some seeds for  you on this, but it is entirely up to you, as to how they grow.

Back to the thoughts of that point of reflection though. If whilst reviewing your life you realise there are things you wish you had said, ‘should haves’, ‘could haves’ or even just rejoicing in the joys of your experiences.

If you have already left your physical body, you very well may not be able to get back to it! So what happens to the more regretful parts of your life’s existence? The turmoil, anguish, anger and grief that you may face as the judge in the courtroom of your own life, whilst standing at the gates of heaven!! (note -non Biblical heaven)

The teachings of the Dying Consciously organisation  allow one to review their life before their death, or recapitulation. So that one can say everything they need to before their soul actually leaves their physical body. And reach a point of forgiveness and peace before their departure.

I see huge benefit in reviewing or recapitulating one’s life at any stage, not necessarily on one’s death bed. In reality, death is certain, but very few know when or how they will pass.

Recapitulation before death can be combined with a cleansing of the chakras to assist in clearing any negative emotions or ‘ties’ to unresolved issues. Further deepening one’s forgiveness.

Further information about these processes can be found at the Dying Consciously website.

I have capabilities in guiding one through recapitulation, forgiveness, clearing of the chakras, and performing the ritual of the great death spiral at the time of, or as close to the time of death as possible.

If you or someone you know would like assistance during this time, please do not hesitate to contact me or on 0433 750 010.

Much Love
